In 2022, I had the privilege of working on an episode of Kizazi Moto, a Disney series. The episode titled 'Herderboy' was directed by Raymond Malinga and features a unique story that takes place in Uganda. Raymond had a distinct vision for the film's aesthetic, and he was extremely confident in the compositing team's ability to bring his vision to life. To make this film, I had to combine my experience with motion design and compositing. By combining design elements with the rendered animation, the comp team gave Raymond control over the look and feel of the effects in compositing. The final image is both visually distinctive and packed with detail. The Triggerfish animation team did an exceptional job, with all departments delivering excellent work that gave the compositing team beautiful renders to work with. Thanks to all the artists, production team, supervisors, and creative team for the excellent collaborative experience.
In 2022, I had the privilege of working on an episode of Kizazi Moto, a Disney series. The episode titled 'Herderboy' was directed by Raymond Malinga and features a unique story that takes place in Uganda. Raymond had a distinct vision for the film's aesthetic, and he was extremely confident in the compositing team's ability to bring his vision to life. To make this film, I had to combine my experience with motion design and compositing. By combining design elements with the rendered animation, the comp team gave Raymond control over the look and feel of the effects in compositing. The final image is both visually distinctive and packed with detail. The Triggerfish animation team did an exceptional job, with all departments delivering excellent work that gave the compositing team beautiful renders to work with. Thanks to all the artists, production team, supervisors, and creative team for the excellent collaborative experience.